The positioning device is a horseshoe-shaped, ergonomic and portable novel product, which is manufactured in a single piece by 11 compartments made of 100% cotton and bamboo fabric. The device is available in five different sizes, extra-small, small, medium, large and extra-large with a length of 1.30 m, 2 m, 2.6 m, 3.5 m and 4 m respectively. The cushion structure has 6 lateral filled compartments, a cushioned center portion and 4 empty compartments, which provide support to children with neurological or possible neurological damage in posture, tone or movement. The main compartment (1) and the middle lateral compartments (4, 5) are viscoelastic and/or granule foam filled and wrapped by viscoelastic foam, except the lateral compartment with bars (3) where the bar is covered only with viscoelastic foam. These filled compartments are arranged in small removable pillows. The device has a compartment with weight, which has a steel bar shape (50 g, 150 g, 350 g, 0.50 Kg, 1Kg for the extra -small, small, medium, large and extra-large device, respectively), located at each side of the horseshoe, which provides support and counterweight to the child. The seven filled compartments include a Velcro-type closure for being removed and washed. The structure and composition of the device turn the invention into a unique device for reestablishing the posture, tone and movement.La presente invención se refiere a un dispositivo de apoyo y posicionamiento en forma de cojín en herradura que comprende: una parte central rígida que forma la base de la herradura un par de secciones lineales conformada cada una por una pluralidad de compartimientos rellenos flexibles unidos entre sí por medio de líneas de división caracterizado porque cada sección lineal se une a la parte central rígida por medio de un compartimiento vacío o no relleno, el cual permite dar flexibilidad a las secciones lineales y poder manipularlas o doblarlas con facilidad.