Григорьев Виталий Савельевич (RU),Старовойтов Юрий Юрьевич (RU),Унакафов Михаил Анатольевич (RU)
A useful model refers to veterinary medicine and can be used to relieve inflammation, swelling, stimulation of the circulation, acceleration of the healing of the legs of a horse.The purpose of the proposed utility model is to increase the therapeutic effect by using a simple and cheap metallized screen with a high reflection coefficient of electromagnetic waves of extremely high frequency and the infrared spectrum.The base of the napkin is two layers of polypropylene with ceramic fibers 1 and 2, between which is a soft thick layer of polyester 3. To the outer layer of polypropylene 2 there is a doubled dense layer of neoprene 4 with fastened fasteners 5, for example, reinforced textile fasteners "Velcro" .Directly to the leg of the horse is a liner 6, which contains two electrically insulating layers of a non-woven needle-punched fabric 7 and 8, between which a shielding layer 9 with a high reflection coefficient of electromagnetic waves of EHF and IR spectrum is located. The screen 9 comprises a polyethylene terephthalate film 10 with a high degradation temperature with a metallization layer 11 (aluminum sputtering) coated with a layer of low melting polymer film 12 to which the screen has been duplicated with an outer layer of a nonwoven needle-punched web 7 on which the Velcro textile fasteners are fastened 13. The inner liner of the nonwoven needle-punched fabric 8 is directly adjacent to the skin of the horses 14 legs.Stennovye nogavki used in pairs on the front and / or hind legs. They can be worn by horses several times a day (at the discretion of the veterinarian) by sessions of up to 1 hour, depending on the condition or behavior of the horse. 1 ill.Полезная модель относится к ветеринарии и может быть использована для снятия воспалений, отеков, стимуляции кровообращения, ускорения заживления ног лошади.Целью предлагаемой полезной модели является повышение лечебного эффекта за счет использования простого и дешевого металлизированного экрана с высоким коэффи