Problem to be solved: to provide a labor saving method for the control of Welsh Onion disease, especially the black spot of Welsh onion, in the cultivation of Welsh onion plants.A method of controlling disease of a legume plant, which is effective in treating a Welsh Onion disease such as a SDI disinfectant, especially a leafy black rot fungus disease, to a seedling plug tray before transplanting a seedling into a seedling seedling plant, a method of applying a disease control agent, and a legume plant for seedling irrigation processing Disease control agent.No selection【課題】ネギ科植物の栽培において、ネギ病害、特にネギ黒腐菌核病の防除を目的とした省力的施用方法を提供する。【解決手段】SDHI殺菌剤などネギ病害、特にネギ黒腐菌核病に効果のある病害防除剤を、苗を本圃に移植する前に育苗用プラグトレイへ灌注処理することを特徴とするネギ科植物の病害防除方法、病害防除剤の施用方法および育苗期灌注処理用ネギ科植物病害防除剤。【選択図】なし