A laptop computer cooling base with mosquito trapping function, which is not only useful as a laptop computer cooling base but also able to provide mosquito trapping function. When used as a laptop computer cooling base, a computer can be placed on the present invention, wherein the computer power supplies electricity to the fan motor to achieve convection and cooling effect when the laptop computer is not in use, the present invention can be vertically arranged and the fan motor and UV LED lamp can be connected to an 110V AC power source. Due to the phototaxis of mosquitoes, when mosquitoes are attracted by the UV LED lamp, the strong cyclone produced by the fan can suck in the mosquitoes and trap the mosquitoes in a collection box to be dried out by the fan in the collection box, after which the collection box can be removed from the fan receiving slot to dump the dead mosquitoes, this invention allows repetitive use to achieve the mosquito killing effect.一種具捕蚊功能之筆記型電腦散熱座,不但可作為筆記型電腦散熱座更具有捕蚊功能,當作為筆記型電腦散熱座時,只須將電腦置於本發明之上,利用電腦電源供電給風扇馬達達到對流冷卻效果;當筆記型電腦不使用時,也可將本發明直立放置,並連接風扇馬達及UV LED燈到110V交流電電源,並利用蚊蟲的趨光性,當蚊蟲被UV LED燈吸引來到時,風扇產生強力氣旋吸入蚊蟲,並將蚊蟲困在集中盒中,而蚊蟲會在集中盒內被風扇風乾,當蚊蟲被風乾時,可將集中盒從風扇容置槽內抽出,並丟棄蚊蟲屍體,可再重複使用,達到殺蚊的效果。10‧‧‧基座11‧‧‧第一通風口12‧‧‧支撐部13‧‧‧對流空間20‧‧‧風扇容置槽22‧‧‧第一開口40‧‧‧風扇41‧‧‧風扇馬達50‧‧‧集中盒53‧‧‧第三通風口54‧‧‧捕蚊網55‧‧‧握把