#$%^&*AU2011250791B220120628.pdf#####Abstract A neural stimulator embodiment includes a neural stimulation delivery system and a controller operationally connected to the neural stimulation delivery system. The neural stimulation delivery system is adapted to non-selectively stimulate both afferent 5 axons and efferent axons in a vagus nerve. The controller includes a neural stimulation scheduler to control neural stimulation from the neural stimulation system according to a predetermined schedule. The predetermined schedule includes at least one parameter with a value selected to avoid physiological habituation to the neural stimulation. The parameter(s) include at least one parameter selected from the group of parameters 10 consisting of a predetermined therapy duration parameter for a predetermined therapy period, and a predetermined intermittent neural stimulation parameter associated with on / off timing for the intermittent neural stimulation parameter.NEURAL STIMULATOR MEMORY MO 1IN1 CLOCKMMER PROGRAM LE TRANSCEIVER CLOCKIIMERPARAMETERS (ITENSITYlSCHEDULE) 4 CONTROLLER NS INTENSITY NS SCHEDULER WITH PARAMETERS/LIM TO AMPLITUDE AVOID HABITUATION FREQUENCY ERAPY DURATION PER THERAPY PERIOD PULSE WIDTH NSSCHEDULE THERAPYPERID DURATION INTERMITIMN STIM. START/STOP TIMES STIM. PERIOD DU'YCYCE STIM. TRAIN DURATION PER STIM. PERIOD DUTY CYCLE STIM.PERIOD NON-SELECTIVE VAGUS NERVE STIMULATION THERAPY X10 DELIVERY SYSTEM THERAPY S INPUTS/FEEDBACK NL NS ELERODE(S) FIG. I