The device which sterilizes container closure as for (1), the aisle for container closure the wall which surrounds the picture forming and the aisle the pipe which it possesses (3) (2) and the pipe (2) inside, the atomization means which inject the sterilization fluid which it can heat and can evaporate and (4) and dry means and the pipe which introduce the hot blast in the pipe (2) (2) it is joined by the aforementioned wall (3) operation, the aforementioned wall it has with the means which (3) are heated. Inside the wall which the aisle for container closure picture forming is done the pipe which it possesses (3) (2) as for the manner which sterilizes the container closure which inside is carried, the pipe (2) inside, the pipe (2) the wall the step which (3) is heated it includes with the step which introduces the hot blast in the pipe (2) and the wall of the pipe by directly making transmit heat (3) in order to make step and the container closure dry which inject the sterilization fluid which it can heat and can evaporate and.< Choice figure > Drawing 1容器クロージャを滅菌する装置(1)は、容器クロージャ用の通路を画成し、通路を取り囲む壁(3)を有する導管(2)と、導管(2)の内部に、加熱および蒸発させられた滅菌流体を噴射する噴霧手段(4)と、導管(2)に熱風を導入する乾燥手段と、導管(2)の前記壁(3)に作動的に結合され、前記壁(3)を加熱する手段とを備える。内部に容器クロージャ用の通路を画成する壁(3)を有する導管(2)の内部を輸送される容器クロージャを滅菌する方法は、導管(2)の内部に、加熱および蒸発させられた滅菌流体を噴射するステップと、容器クロージャを乾燥させるために導管(2)に熱風を導入するステップと、導管の壁(3)に直接熱を伝達させることによって導管(2)の壁(3)を加熱するステップとを含む。【選択図】 図1