SolutionsThis invention keeps the feeling retina by making the access to the retina lower space possible the little ke it is making use of gravitation, offers the surgical device which it forms and maintains the openness retina lower space of the size which is sufficient for the introduction and execution of remedy of the eye and. The lighting material or the contrast medium and the lighting equipment or the image pickup instrument and the operation instrument introduction and the medical supply or the fill of the biological active substance, and transplantation piece, in this kind of remedy, closing the region with prescribing the insertion of transplantation organization or in plant and sealing up material is included.< Selective figure >Figure 10【解決手段】本発明は、わずかなけん引力を利用して網膜下空間へのアクセスを可能にすることにより、感覚網膜を保持し、目の治療の導入及び実施に十分な大きさの開放性網膜下空間を生成及び維持する外科装置を提供する。このような治療には、照射材又は造影剤や照明器具又は撮像器具や手術器具の導入、医薬品又は生物学的作用物質の注入、及び移植片、移植組織又はインプラントの挿入及び密封材を投与することによる部位の閉鎖が含まれる。【選択図】図10