A method for producing an emulsion of aA method for manufacturing an oil-in adjuvant water vaccine squalene, inceite adjuvant water vaccine squalene, the method including the step of: (i) forming ucluyendo the method the step of: (i) forming a first emulsion having a first average size of na first emulsion having a first average size of deaceite drop using a homogenizer, in which drop deaceite using a homogenizer, wherein the first emulsion formed by transferela first emulsion is formed by transferring suscomponentes from a first recipncia of suscomponentes from a first container to a second container through a homogiente to a second container through a homogenizer, ydevolviéndolos then from seguneneizador then ydevolviéndolos from the second container to the first container through the first container mido recip iente therethrough homogenizer Elque todossmo substantially homogenizer Elque substantially all components of the emulsion from the first re components of the emulsion from the first container are passed through elhomogeneizador to segcipiente passed through elhomogeneizador the second vessel and then substantially all losundo container, and then substantially all components of the emulsion components of the emulsion segundorecipiente segundorecipiente passed through the homogenizer back to pse pass through the homogenizer back to the first container vessel irstUn método para la fabricación de una emulsión de aUn método para la fabricación de una emulsión de aceite en agua adyuvante de vacuna con escualeno,inceite en agua adyuvante de vacuna con escualeno,incluyendo el método la etapa de: (i) formación de ucluyendo el método la etapa de: (i) formación de una primera emulsión con un primer tamaño medio de na primera emulsión con un primer tamaño medio de gota deaceite usando un homogeneizador, en el que gota deaceite usando un homogeneizador, en el que la primera emulsión se forma mediante la transferela primera emulsión se forma mediante la transferencia de