Федеральное Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования Томский государственный университет систем управления и радиоэлектроники (RU)
Смирнов Геннадий Васильевич (RU),Смирнов Дмитрий Геннадьевич (RU)
A method for producing therapeutic mud, which consists in that the sapropel is poured 10-fold volume of a 2% solution of sodium hydroxide, heated (4 ÷ 6) hours at reflux, cooled and diluted with water 2 times, settled for 24 hours, filtered and siphoned characterized in that the filtrate is poured into the anode chamber of the electrolytic cell, which electrode is made of disintegrated to dimensions 10-20 microns particulate shungite placed in a fine-pored non-metallic sheath, made of a biologically safe tissue, pore size which does not direct greater than the operation grain shungite sizes, thus to make electrical contact to the volume of fine shungite introduced shungite or graphite rods, to which is attached said non-metallic sheath attached rods imposed shungitny fine powder to the output terminals of the voltage source, in which the electrodes and in the electrolytic cell, during electrolysis of said filtrate to excite ultrasonic vibrations, whose frequency lies above the frequency of the cavitation threshold in the range from 20 kHz to 100 kHz and the intensity NOSTA said ultrasound lies in stable cavitation of 1.5 W / cc to 2.5 W / cm, and the filtrate was stopped the electrolysis process to form on the surface of the anode chamber and the anode target humic concentrate containing fullerenes hydrated, hydrated humic acids, humic acid salts and mineral components of the feedstock contained chemically coupled to humic acids, the concentrate is removed from the target surface of the anode and the anode chamber and used as therapeutic mud.Способ получения лечебной грязи, заключающийся в том, что сапропель заливают 10-кратным объемом 2%-ного раствора едкого натрия, нагревают (4÷6) ч при температуре кипения, охлаждают и разбавляют водой в 2 раза, отстаивают 24 ч, сифонируют и фильтруют, отличающийся тем, что фильтрат заливают в анодную камеру электролизера, электроды которого выполняют из дезинтегрированного до размеров 10-20 мкм мелкодисперсного шунгита, помещенно