abstractsound lighthouseThe invention relates to the field of electronics, namely, audio playback devices that enable blind and visually impaired people to navigate in space.The technical result of the proposed utility model is to increase the information content of the device. This is associated with the ability to locate the sound beacon visually impaired and blind people in the region exceeding the size of the zone of action of motion sensor, as in the device there are two types of audio messages, one of which is broadcast while the motion sensor is in the "no motion".The utility model is implemented as follows. When the apparatus when the motion sensor in a state of "no movement", the control unit generates a signal on an output to the loudspeaker audio messages of the second type. When a person enters the coverage area of the motion sensor, the motion detector goes into the state "is movement" and delivers a corresponding signal to the control unit. Upon receipt of this signal, the control unit generates a signal to terminate playback of audio messages of the second type, and after - a signal output to the speaker audio messages of the first type. In this case, playback starts audio messages of the first type. When switching the motion sensor back to the state "no movement", the control unit generates a signal to terminate playback of audio messages of the first type, and then - a signal output to the speaker audio messages of the second type.РефератЗвуковой маякПолезная модель относится к области электроники, а именно к устройствам воспроизведения аудиоинформации, которые дают возможность незрячим и слабовидящим людям ориентироваться в пространстве.Техническим результатом предлагаемой полезной модели является повышение информативности устройства. Это связано с возможностью определить местонахождение звукового маяка слабовидящими и незрячими людьми на расстоянии, превышающем размер зоны действия датчика движения, так как в устройстве присутствуют два типа ауд