To provide a therapy couch which can easily change a position of a user and save space for a therapy person.SOLUTION: In a bed 1, it is divided into a part 1A put on from the top of the legs of the human body and a part 1B for putting other leg parts, and a guide rail body which can separate and pull back and unify them in the front-2. In addition, in the bed 1, it is divided into three parts, a part 1A put on from the upper part of the leg of the human body, a part putting on the upper part of the leg and a part putting the lower part of the leg, and a part 1A putting the upper part from the upper part of the leg and a part putting the lower part of the leg Are fixedly connected and fixed, and a portion on which the vicinity of the upper portion of the leg rests is removable. Alternatively, in the mat body of the bed, a part on which the upper part is placed from the upper part of the leg of the human body and the part on which the lower part of the leg is placed are pulled apart to fix the entire bed, and a mat body that puts the vicinity of the upper part of the leg on the separated space is removably set.(FIG.【課題】被施療者のポジション変更が容易で施療者にとっても省スペースとなる施療用寝台を提供する。【解決手段】寝台1において、人体の脚上部から上を乗せる部分1Aとそれ以外の脚部を乗せる部分1Bとに分割し、両者を前後方向の引き離しと引き戻し一体化を可能にするガイドレール体2を介し連結する。また寝台1において、人体の脚上部から上を乗せる部分1Aと、脚上部近辺を乗せる部分と、脚下部を乗せる部分とに3分割し、脚上部から上を乗せる部分1Aと脚下部を乗せる部分を連結固定するとともに、脚上部近辺を乗せる部分を取り外し可能状にして成るようにする。或いは寝台のマット体において、人体の脚上部から上を乗せる部分と脚下部を乗せる部分とを引き離して寝台全体を固定するとともに、引き離された空隙部に脚上部近辺を乗せるマット体を着脱自在にセットする。【選択図】図2