the utility model relates to a medicine, section of neurology and u043d u0435 u0439 u0440 u043e u043f u0441 u0438 u0445 u043e u043b u043e u0433 u0438 u0438,and can find application in the field u043d u0435 u0439 u0440 u043e u0440 u0435 u0430 u0431 u0438 u043b u0438 u0442 u0430 u0446 u0438 u0438 neurological and u043d u0435 u0439 u0440 u043e u0445 u0438 u0440 u0443 u0440 u0433 u0438 u0447 u0435 u0441 u043a u0438 u0445 clinics for the classes to restore violated u0437 u0440 u0438 u0442 u0435 u043b u044c u043d u043e spatial memory with an u0440 u043e u043b u043e u0433 u0438 u0447 u0435 u0441 u043a u043e u0439 clinics.the utility model is made of u043f u043e u043b u0443 u043f u0440 u043e u0437 u0440 u0430 u0447 u043d u043e u0433 u043e plastic body (1) u0442 u0430 u0440 u0435 u043b u043a u043e u043e u0431 u0440 u0430 u0437 u043d u043e u0439 form tall 20 - 30 mm with u0443 u0442 u043e u043b u0449 u0435 u043d u043d u044b u043c bottom internal diameter is 120 - 180 mm.and its thickness is 3 to 4 mm, the internal diameter of the upper part of the shell (1) is larger than the inner diameter of the bottom 20% - 40%.and on the upper edge of the shell (1) has a flat head clamp (4), a width of 7 to 10 mm.the thickness of 4 to 6 mm from the outer edge of u0441 u043a u0440 u0443 u0433 u043b u0435 u043d u043d u044b u043c; and in the center of the upper surface of the bottom is a central cell and (2) with a circular diameter of 40 - 60 mmaround the perimeter of the base arranged at the same distance from each other for 5 - 12 district cells - the recession (3) of the same size, which are in the form of u043a u043e u043b u044c u0446 u0435 u0432 u044b u0445 sectorswith all cell grooves (2, 3) have the same depth equal to 1 - 2 mm, and the inside of the shell (1) at its wall bears a mark (5).thus, by the "machine - u0442 u0430 u0440 u0435 u043b u043a u0430 u00bb allows classes to restore hand spatial memory in patients with neurological wedge ica methods.while ensuring the