The useful model "Bottle mace for training in the development of motor functions of the hands in patients with neurological clinics" refers to medicine for the division of neurology and neurorehabilitation and can be used in neurorehabilitation clinics of neurological and neurosurgical clinics in conducting exercises to develop the motor functions of the hands in patients with a neurological clinic with organic lesions of the brain of various etiologies.The utility model contains a plastic holder made up of a handle (1), which is a tube 110-130 mm in length, 20-30 mm in diameter, in the upper part of which a stop (2) is provided, which is a disk with a diameter of 35-45 mm, thickness 5-8 mm, and in the lower part of the holder there is a bushing (3) intended for winding the load container onto the neck, the bushing (3) having the shape of a stopper 17-22 mm in height with an outer diameter of 32-36 mm, part of the sleeve (3) has a depth and thread diameter similar to the depth and thread diameter of the mill plastic plug with a diameter of 28 mm.Thus, due to the design features of the developed "bottle mace," it becomes possible to individually tailor its weight to each patient, with a gradual increase in the duration of the exercises, and also provide, if necessary, additional impact on the patients arm due to the inertia of the filler moving in the inner space of the "bottle mace".Due to the simplicity of construction, convenience and safety of use, the "bottle mace" can be widely used in clinical practice, allowing patients to carry out exercises to restore the motor functions of the hands both in a hospital and independently at home.Полезная модель «Бутылочная булава для занятий по разработке двигательных функций рук у больных неврологической клиники» относится к медицине к разделу неврологии и нейрореабилитации и может найти применение в отделениях нейрореабилитации неврологических и нейрохирургических клиник при проведении занятий по разработке двигательных фу