FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to restorative medicine. With underlying background therapy, there are given jaw harp and kurai played and computer enhanced music pieces Exotic Journey R.R. Ziganov, music fragments Sambulat and Birds, Sambulat and the Sea L.Z. Ismagilova from the ballet Arkaim, Bashkir folk songs Crane Song, Cuckoo, Wintery Ural, Zulkhizya, Fatima at the frequency of 1 Hz, Stone Voices, In the Sunlight, Warrior Way, Health Giving Spring, Call of the Ocean, By String the Over the Sea, Creation, World of Lovers and Eternity. Hallelujah! I.A. Metlin-Kalmetyev at the frequency of less than 1 KHz. The music pieces are played in a certain sequecence. Hypertonic, cardiac and mixed vasomotor dyscrasia requires: Cuckoo, In the Sunlight, Health Giving Spring, Sambulat and the Sea, Creation, By String the Over the Sea, Eternity. Hallelujah!. Hypertensive disease: Stone Voices, Warrior Way, Sambulat and Birds, Exotic Journey, Crane Song, Call of the Ocean, World of Lovers. Ischemic heart disease with no cardiac rhythm disturbance and with exertional angina with no cardiac failure signs: Wintery Ural, Fatima, Zulkhizya, Crane Song, Exotic Journey, World of Lovers, Eternity Hallelujah!. The use of the invention provides improved clinical symptomatology, haemodynamic values and psychophysical status of the patients suffering cardiovascular diseases.EFFECT: invention provides improved clinical symptomatology, haemodynamic values and psychophysical status of the patients suffering cardiovascular diseases.3 tbl, 3 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к восстановительной медицине. На фоне базового лечения используют исполненные на варгане и курае в компьютерной обработке музыкальные произведения: «Экзотическое путешествие» Р.Р.Зиганова, музыкальные фрагменты «Самбулат и птицы», «Самбулат и море» Л.З.Исмагиловой из балета «Аркаим», башкирские народные песни «Журавлиная песнь», «Кукушка», «Седой Урал», «Зульхизя», «Фатима» с часто