The invention relates to medical devices and can be used for reliable and easy storage and transport of various biological samples and is aimed at improving the sanitary conditions-stacking container for transporting test tubes and vials and, accordingly, increase the level of protection placed in their biological sample from contamination . Container stacking tubes and for transporting bottles comprising a box-like container-housing, in which are installed cells with racks for bottles and tubes, wherein the housing is provided with a removable U-shaped handle, and side walls of the housing formed guide loops, which are inserted in the rack n- shaped handle, the ends of which are made the latches holding the rack in the guide brackets. In addition, the body is installed at least one further similar housing in which are arranged to mesh with racks of test tubes and vials, and on its side walls guide formed staples, racks into which are inserted a U-shaped handle. In this housing, supports and handle made of bactericidal polymer plastics with antimicrobial additives as are used biomodifier, which are active components of plastic, provide a sterile surface and destroys odor and / or biostabiliziruyuschie additives that protect the plastic from the adverse effects of microorganisms causing change properties or the appearance of plastic.Полезная модель относится к медицинскому оборудованию и может быть использована для надежности и удобства хранения и транспортировки различных биологических проб и направлена на повышение санитарно-гигиенического состояния контейнера-укладки для транспортировки пробирок и флаконов и, соответственно, повышение степени защищенности помещенные в них биологические проб от загрязнения. Контейнер-укладка для транспортировки пробирок и флаконов содержит коробчатую емкость-корпус, в котором установлены штативы с ячейками для пробирок и флаконов, при этом корпус снабжен съемной П-образной ручкой, а на боковых стенках корпуса выполнены направляющие