The albumen specific sulfur it is ill-smelling, but the albumen hydrolysate and its production manner which are decreased are offered. Heating treating the albumen dilution liquid which is diluted with the water of 0.4 - 3 sections vis-a-vis the liquid albumen 1 section, under the condition of pH9 - 12, 55 - the 90, the hydrogen sulfide tonnage is low with production which makes the albumen denaturalize manner which includes with the process which hydrolysis treats the head-end process and with the protease, the sulfur is ill-smelling but it can obtain the albumen hydrolysate which is decreased.卵白特有の硫黄臭が低減された卵白加水分解物およびその製造方法を提供する。液卵白1部に対し0.4~3部の水で希釈した卵白希釈液を、pH9~12、55~90℃の条件下で加熱処理して卵白を変性させる前処理工程と、プロテアーゼにより加水分解処理する工程とを含む製造方法により、硫化水素量が低く、硫黄臭が低減された卵白加水分解物を得ることができる。