1. Sprayer for spraying by evaporation of the volatile substance, the dispenser comprising: - a reservoir for containing a volatile substance to be sprayed, - atomizing spray screen by evaporation of the volatile substance, wherein the spraying screen comprises a sheet material having a continuous first and second edge and forming a continuous loop of material extending between first and second edges and- transmitting means for transferring the volatile substance from the reservoir to the upper edge of the spray-use screen, the material of the atomizing means is inclined at an acute angle to the use raspylitelya.2 vertical axis. Sprayer according to Claim. 1, wherein the screen is mounted around the atomizing rezervuara.3. Sprayer according to Claim. 1 or 2, wherein the atomizing screen mounted coaxially with the vertical axis in use rezervuara.4. Sprayer according to Claim. 1, wherein the transfer means comprises a capillary element extending inside the reservoir to the first edge of the atomizing ekrana.5. Sprayer according to Claim. 1, wherein the transmitting means comprises more than one capillary member disposed between the tank and the screen, wherein the capillary elements are in communication with each other for delivering the volatile substance from the reservoir to ekranu.6. Sprayer according to Claim. 1, wherein the height of the spray screen is the same or less than the height rezervuara.7. Nozzle for spraying the screen by evaporation of the volatile substance applied thereon, wherein the screen comprises: - a sheet material - biasing means formed in or on the screen, wherein the deflecting means form a minimum length of the sheet path1. Распылитель для распыления летучего вещества посредством испарения, при этом распылитель содержит:- резервуар для содержания летучего вещества, которое должно быть распылено- распыляющий экран для распыления летучего вещества посредством испарения, при этом распыляющий экран содержит лист материала, имеющий непрерывные