The present invention relates to a masticatory refleximetry system, of the type that allows the extraction and analysis of quantifiable parameters from a downward stroke on the mandible of a subject under study. The said stroke is used as a stimulus for the generation of Masseteric Inhibitory Reflex (MIR). This invention comprises a mechanical subsystem from which a blow is exerted directly on the mandible of the subject under study, at the moment in which said subject maintains voluntary mandibular contraction during a predetermined time and at predefined force threshold. Also it contains an electronic subsystem which is in charge of the acquisition, conditioning (gain and baseline adjustment) and filtering of a bilateral signal EMG of the masseter muscle. Additionally, it comprises Analog/Digital conversion and communication with a personal computer, as well as the comparison (tuning of the synchronization signal) and power circuitry for the mechanical subsystem. Further, it include s a subsystem for the processing and deployment of information which is the link between a user, the subject of the study, the mechanical subsystem and the electronic subsystem. The said processing subsystem is responsible for managing and governing the tasks performed by every one of the subsystems and subjects involved in the system, thereby achieving its optimum performance and greater benefit for both the user and the subject under study.La presente invención se refiere a un sistema de refleximetría masticatoria, de los del tipo que permiten la extracción y análisis de parámetros cuantificables a partir de un golpe descendente sobre la mandíbula de un sujeto en estudio, golpe que se utiliza como estímulo para la generación del Reflejo Inhibitorio Masetérico (MIR), que se comprende de: un subsistema mecánico, a partir del cual se ejerce de manera directa y sobre la mandíbula del sujeto en estudio, un golpe en el momento en el que dicho sujeto mantiene la contracción mandibular volun