The present invention is directed to improving wear of cosmetics, inparticular colorcosmetics. Current powder eyeshadows crease or wear off during the day and theeffects ofsuch powder eyeshadows are prone to flaking off over time. There is a need forprimercompositions that, when applied to a skin surface prior to application of acolor cosmetic, willimprove the wear adhesion of the color cosmetic on the skin. The presentinventioncomprises a composition having at least one non-sensitizing pressure sensitiveadhesive thatis a polycondensate of a silanol endblocked polydimethylsiloxane and asilicate resin, at leastone copolymer of vinyl pyrrolidone and a long chain alpha olefin, at least onemontmorillonite mineral, and at least one volatile solvent, wherein the ratioof the pressuresensitive adhesive to the copolymer in a final composition is at least 2 to 1and thepolycondensate, after formulation into a composition, is not reactive with thecopolymer orthe montmorillonite mineral. Method and kits for improving color retention ofa colorcosmetic composition using the composition are also provided.