The present invention relates to a medicament delivery device comprising agenerally elongated housing (10, 24),having a proximal and a distal end, a medicament delivery actuation mechanism(16), capable upon activation, of delivering dosesof medicament from a medicament container (18), arranged with a medicamentdelivery member (20) and placed in said housing, amedicament delivery member shield (22) arranged to said medicament deliverymember (20), a medicament delivery member guard(54) arranged movable in the proximal end of said housing (10, 24), whereinsaid medicament delivery member guard (54) is operablyconnected to said medicament delivery actuation mechanism (16), a protectivecap (42) releasibly arranged to said proximal end of saidhousing, said protective cap (42) being provided with a medicament deliverymember shield remover (50). The invention is characterisedby a blocking element (58) arranged to said medicament delivery member guard(54); that said blocking element (58) is arrangedmovable between a blocking position and a release position, that said blockingelement (58) is arranged with an engagement surface(62) arranged to engage with a proximal area (68) of said housing; that saidblocking element (58) is arranged to engage with a surfaceof said medicament delivery member shield remover (50), retaining saidblocking element (58) in said blocking position, whereinengagement of said engagement surface (62) with said proximal area (68) causesa blocking of said medicament delivery memberguard (54) from movement, and wherein removal of said protective cap (42) andsaid medicament delivery member shield remover(50) enables a movement of said blocking element (58) to a release positionwhen said engagement surface (62) engages said proximalarea (68), allowing said medicament delivery member guard (54) to move.