The subject of the invention is a method of identifying an atheromatous plague in angiodiagnostics. This method consists in recording a digital USG image considering the field and size of the plague. The identification process is diphasic with two independent and/or simultaneous cycles: basic and structural. In the course of the basic cycle, after a precise outline of the plague image as a histogram with the grayness distribution corresponding to the plague echogenecity is done assigning the median a color pallet from red through orange, yellow, green, blue, violet to navy blue. Then classification of the plague texture image is performed relating to statistical parameters and coefficients such as: GINI, Hausedorffs and Haralics. In the course of the structural cycle a clustering process of the plague internal structure happens. According to the median of the grayness classification of the internal structure in plague elements is performed considering distribution of the grayness scale and their texture and relating to the parameters like those in the basic cycle. The result of the image of a single plague field and the structural image of aggregated elements in plague is generated in the color scale. Both images are studied towards symptomatic and asymptomatic features in atheromatous plagues. Distribution of the grayness scale as a value of the structure median is in a range from 0 to 255. There are two limiting median levels: 40 and 57 in distribution of the grayness scale, which correspond to symptomatic and asymptomatic features in the atheromatous plague. Moreover, for distribution of the plague structure image classification, the two limiting texture levels corresponding to the symptomatic and asymptomatic features in the atheromatous plague are 53 and 73 respectively.