Бессонов Евгений Александрович (RU),Бессонов Александр Евгеньевич (RU)
1. A device for cleaning the human ear - chistoushka comprising a core and hygienic layer which skrepkoobraznuyu rod has an oval shape and comprises at its ends one or two working body hygiene coated layer and having a gripper precipitates formed as a semi-oval inner end of the device and for the collection of secretions, designed as an internal organ mezhduovalnogo working space, characterized in that the gripper exudates on one or two working bodies made: narrower in width than the oval core, and projecting beyond the oval rod flat oblong or flat with extension at the end layer without hygienic or partially coated with a layer of hygiene even direct, or even directly with a curved end, or twisted in a spiral bifilar with oval rod is made: solid or composite with single or double-tube straight or twisted into a spiral holder and working bodies at the ends are made of the same type or different-type, different in structure and geometry of the gripper and the extent of their coverage hygienic sloem.2. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the width is dimensioned in the range of 2 ... 5 mm.3. Apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the length of the grip protruding beyond the oval rod is in the size range of 10 ... 25 mm.4. Apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the gripping extension at the end is in the size range of 3 ... 5 mm.5. Apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the capture layer is coated on sections hygienic oval sterzhnem.6 compound. The apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that PICKUP1. Устройство для чистки ушей человека - чистоушка, содержащее стержень и гигиенический слой, у которого стержень имеет овальную скрепкообразную форму и на своих концах содержит один или два рабочих органа, покрытых гигиеническим слоем и имеющих захват для выделений, выполненный в виде внутреннего полуовала конца устройства, и сборник для выделений, выполненный в виде внутреннего междуовального пространства рабочего органа,