fishing lure with interchangeable spoon spoon fishing tackles the problem at length in the host, it was a useless after injury. fishing lure with interchangeable spoon (2), and solves the problem of fast changing spoons (5) through a leaky (10). spoon with pins (6) snap into the groove (1) on both sides and with the clamp in bait and is re usable, with the changes of the size of the bucket (11) can be adjusted to the depth of fishing.Ribiška vaba z izmenljivo žlico rešuje problem ob poškodbi žlice pri ribiški vabi, saj je bila vaba po poškodbi neuporabna. Ribiška vaba z izmenljivo žlico (2), pa reši problem s hitro menjavo žlice (5) skozi utor (10). Žlica se z zatiči (6) zaskoči v utora (1) na obeh straneh in s tem pritrdi na mesto. In tako je ribiška vaba ponovno uporabna, z menjavami velikosti žlic (11) pa lahko prilagodimo globino ribolova.