ДЖИЛЛ Эндрю (US),МАНДЛЬ Кристиан (US),О,ХЕЙГАН Дерек (US),СИНГХ Манмохан (US)
1. Nevirionnaya particle delivery in vivo RNA in vertebrate cells, wherein (a) comprises particle delivery material, either (i) that encapsulates a self-replicating RNA molecule encoding the immunogen, or (ii) where the adsorbed self-replicating RNA molecule encoding the immunogen, and (b) does not include modified RNA nukleotidy.2. A particle according to claim 1, wherein the particle is a liposome and the encapsulated therein RNK.3. A particle according to claim 1, wherein the particle is a non-toxic and biodegradable polymeric microparticle and adsorbed on ney.4 RNA. A particle according to claim 1, wherein the particle is a nanoparticle, biodegradable crosslinked polymer of oligomer formed by reacting the polymer crosslinking agent and monomer charged RNK.5. A particle according to claim 2, wherein the liposome comprises a lipid to a cationic head gruppoy.6. A particle according to claim 2 or 5, wherein the liposome comprises a lipid with zwitterionic head gruppoy.7. A particle according to claim 2 or 5, wherein the liposome has a diameter in the range of 50-220 nm.8. A particle according to claim 3, wherein the particle comprises a poly (D, L-lactide-co-glycolide) .9. A particle according to claim 3 or 8, wherein the particle has a diameter of from 30 nm to 7 mkm.10. A particle according to claim 1 wherein the self-replicating RNA molecule encodes (i) an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase which can transcribe RNA self-replicating RNA molecules, and (ii) immunogen.11. A particle according to claim 10, wherein the RNA molecule contains two open reading frames, the first of which encodes alpha-virus replicase, the second encodes immunogen.12. A particle according to claim 1 wherein the RNA molecule has a length nukleotidov.13 9000-12000. A particle according to claim 1, wherein the immunogen may elicit an immune response in vivo against bacteria, virus, fungus or parasite1. Невирионная частица для доставки in vivo РНК в клетку позвоночного, где (а) частица включает мате