The invention relates to the field of food industry and can be used in the production of various confectionery, bakery, dairy products and culinary food molding mass medium viscosity. A two-fomovochno extrusion machine swath-pinion type molding mass medium viscosity, comprises a housing mounted on the removable casing hopper, jigging chamber with injection mechanisms food masses nozzles replaceable unit associated with the drive movement of each nozzle, the supporting member. The mechanism of injection of food masses of each silo is designed as a swath-and-pinion mechanism, wherein the shafts of each food masses pumping mechanism provided with drive shafts, and each pinion food masses pumping mechanism provided with a drive gear that provides the separate speed control shaft and the gear. The support member is provided with means for mounting and movement along the guide rails, providing a quick change, and setting said machine, the machine is made simultaneously with the ability to connect to a single control means, whereby the type of control means may be hydraulic, pneumatic or electric. Permit rapid, convenient, simple and reliable disconnection of the machine to another similar means during operation of the device, as well as the possibility of selection of deposition / extrusion mode and regulation of food mass pressure, all of which allows to obtain a wider assortment of produktsii.2 zp . f ly-4-yl.Полезная модель относится к области пищевой промышленности и может быть использована при производстве различных кондитерских, хлебопекарных, молочных и кулинарных пищевых изделий для формования масс средней вязкости. Двухкомпонентная фомовочно-экструзионная машина валково-шестеренного типа для формования масс средней вязкости, содержит корпус, смонтированные на корпусе сменные бункеры, отсадочную камеру с механизмами нагнетания пищевых масс, сменный блок насадок, связанный с приводом движения каждой из насадок, опорный элемент. Механизм нагнетания пищевых масс кажд