Thüringisches Institut für Textil- und Kunststoff-Forschung e.V.
Gladitz, Michael,Reinemann, Stefan
Preparation of metal nanoparticle dispersion, comprises producing a two-phase system from an organic phase, and a reducing phase, where the organic phase is amphiphilic branched dendritic macromolecules and their complexed ion of a metal or many different metal ions dissolved in a suitable solvent; (b) reducing the dendritic branched macromolecule complexed metal ions at the phase boundary of the two-phase system; and (c) terminating the reduction reaction by separating the two phases. Preparation of metal nanoparticle dispersion, comprises either (a) producing a two-phase system from an organic phase, and a reducing phase, where the organic phase is amphiphilic branched dendritic macromolecules and their complexed ion of a metal or many different metal ions dissolved in a suitable solvent; (b) reducing the dendritic branched macromolecule complexed metal ions at the phase boundary of the two-phase system; and (c) terminating the reduction reaction by separating the two phases and forming a storage-stable dispersion of finely distributed metal nanoparticles, which is applied to substrate surfaces; or mixing a combination of metal and metal oxide nanoparticle with a solvent comprising at least a dendritic branched macromolecule and further metal ion and/or precursor, before the actual application step. Independent claims are included for: (1) the metal nanoparticle dispersions obtained by the above process; (2) a coating obtained from the metal nanoparticle dispersion for kits of products, where at least a part of a product surface or internal surfaces is applied and/or directly incorporated into the interior portion of the product; (3) an antimicrobial, bacteria growth inhibiting and/or fungicidal kit comprising a surfaces layer from the metal nanoparticle dispersion, which is applied by pouring, immersing, spraying, lolling or centrifugating, dried layers and/or a single layer with a thickness of 5-1000 nm; and (4) multifunctional layers comprising a coating next t