Summary of the Patent: "Displaceable Lying Surface Medical Vacuum Chamber" The invention relates to a vacuum chamber treatment device for medical and / or physical and cosmetic therapy. They serve the purpose of receiving and admit with a pulsating vacuum, defined as the lower half of a person's body.The pulsating vacuum causes an excitation of the blood circulation and decongestion of lymphatic charges.The vacuum chamber made as a tube has an inlet opening on a front side, which It is sealed in relation to the trunk by means of a closure element. Within the horizontally aligned vacuum chamber a first part of a disposable surface is disposed outside the vacuum chamber. surface in order to create a treatment device that can be used without problem especially It is suggested that both the first part and the second part of the laying surface are respectively guided in a linear guide with longitudinal displacement in the same direction, with the first part being at least partially displaceable out of the chamber. vacuum, and the second part may be moved away from the inlet opening, and the treatment device has a synchronization between the first part and the second part of the bed surface, which is equipped such that it causes movement therein. corresponding velocities of the first and second parts of the lying surface.resumo da patente de invenção: “câmara de vácuo medicinal com superfície de deitar deslocável" a invenção se refere a um dispositivo de tratamento com uma câmara de vácuo para a terapia medicinal e/ou física e cosmética. eles servem para o propósito de receber e admitir com um vácuo pulsante, definido a metade inferior do corpo de uma pessoa. o vácuo pulsante causa uma excitação da circulação sanguínea e o descongestionamento de cargas linfáticas. a câmara de vácuo executada como tubo apresenta uma abertura de entrada em um lado frontal, que é vedada em relação ao tronco por meio de um elemento de fecho. no interior da câmara de vácuo alinhada horizontalm