The purpose of the present invention is to develop foods to meet the preference of low salty and slightly hot foods with the change of times. Blue chili-peppers are mixed with anchovies and powdered malt in a salted anchovy case, and then salt and water are put thereinto. Here, the blue chili-peppers are slightly hot blue chili-peppers produced in environmental-friendly organic manner. The mixture is aged for a predetermined period of time to form blue chili-peppers with changed tastes. The blue chili-peppers are dried and ground to be processed into a blue chili-pepper powder, and the blue chili-pepper powder is mixed with a glutinous rice soup, which is made to have thick viscosity. The resultant mixture is seasoned with some salt to taste, contained in a fermenting container, and then fermented under natural sunlight, thereby making a blue chili-pepper paste as an enzyme food. The salted anchovy sauce contained in the salted anchovy case is processed into a soy sauce of salted anchovy through a purification unit. Accordingly, slightly hot kimchi and slightly hot bibimbap can be provided to children disliking hot tastes, multi-cultural families, and foreigners visiting Korea, and the blue chili-pepper paste is an origin of slightly hot seasonings for various Korean foods, contributing to the globalization of Korean food.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2014시대의 변화에서 저염과 함께 덜매운음식의 선호에 맞춤형으로 개발코저 하는 것이다.친환경 유기농에서 생산되는 덜매운청고추를 이용해 멸치젓갈통에 청고추를 멸치와 엿기름가루를 뒤섞어 소금과 물을 함께 넣어 일정기간 숙성시켜 변화된 미각의 청고추를 형성하고 말려서 빻아 청고추고춧가루를 가공하여 되개쑨 찹쌀죽에 혼합하여 소금으로 간을 맞추어 발효용기에 수납하고 자연의 햇볕에서 발효시켜 효소식품의 청고추고추장을 양조하는 것이다.멸치젓갈통에 이여된 멸치액젓은 정재수단을 통해 멸치젓갈 간장을 가공하는 것이다.이상은 매운맛을 싫어하는 어린이 또는 다문화가정과 우리나라를 찾는 외국인에게 덜매운김치와 덜매운비빔밥을 제공하고 다양한 한국음식의 덜매운 조미료의 원조로 한국음식의 세계화에 기여케 하는 것이다.