The minute kind of capsule which is used for the gene vector by this invention the production method the many small quantity of being able to produce is offered. With this production method, micro channel for plural raw materials supplies (12,13,14) with the micro channel for reaction which is communicated with the micro channel for the said plural raw materials supplies (18) with it supplies the fluid which includes at least one (13) enclosure substance among micro channels for the said raw materials supply of backing material which was formed it supplies the fluid for envelope formation, which includes the raw materials in order to form at least the other one (12,14) envelope among micro channels for plural raw materials supplies the fluid and the enclosure physical content fluid which for envelope formation from each micro channel flow together to the micro channel for reaction it is formed when flowing togetherIt flows the micro channel for the said reaction that the boundary between those fluids is maintained continuously.本発明によって遺伝子ベクターに使用されるような微小カプセルを多種少量生産し得る製造方法が提供される。この製造方法では、複数の原料供給用マイクロチャネル(12,13,14)と該複数の原料供給用マイクロチャネルと連通する反応用マイクロチャネル(18)とが形成された基材の該原料供給用マイクロチャネルのうちの少なくとも一つ(13)に封入物質を含む流体を供給し、複数の原料供給用マイクロチャネルのうちの少なくとも他の一つ(12,14)にエンベロープを形成するための原料を含むエンベロープ形成用流体を供給し、各マイクロチャネルから反応用マイクロチャネルに合流したエンベロープ形成用流体と封入物質含有流体とを合流時に形成されるそれら流体間の界面が継続的に維持されるようにして該反応用マイクロチャネルを流動させる。