1. Dipping device driver as a casing comprising a light-shielding elements with horizontal and lateral boundaries, characterized in that the light-shielding members in the cabinet are provided in the form of two light-shielding screens where the screen line conditional on opposite horizontal sides of the longitudinal axis are directed down at any angle to each other correspondingly right-hand side and the left side of the screen, with the same name with the lane boundary or screens in separate chastki these borders are made with unidirectional and close to the angle for both borders tilt towards its band boundaries are horizontally spaced apart by a distance that is close or equal to meaningfully centering or interpupillary distance and relative position of the side screens boundaries relative to each other is configured such way that the sides of each screen formed expanding downwardly from the upper level points lateral boundaries free prostranstva.2 both screens. Dipping device according to claim. 1, characterized in that formed as a binocular device having a blackout screens, one side of which, within the projection of the housing, there are free spaces for the central and peripheral vision, where the level or angle of inclination in the appropriate direction relative to the longitudinal axis of the same name right or left lateral boundaries less than 90 °, optimally in the range 30-70 °, the level or angle of inclination, with a strip of similar boundaries movement with each other, wherein the total horizontal width Coast of space and the distance between the screen or1. Противоослепляющее устройство для водителя в виде корпуса, включающего светозащитные элементы с горизонтальными и боковыми границами, отличающееся тем, что светозащитные элементы в корпусе устройства выполнены в виде двух светозащитных экранов, где у экрана противоположные по линии условной горизонтальной продольной оси боковые стороны представляют собой направленные вниз под любым углом к друг