Patent specification: "Control device and control system for tourniquet equipment". The present invention relates to a control device (4) for a tourniquet equipment (1) to which it can be connected to a first compression handle (2) and / or at least a second compression handle. wherein the connectable compression cuffs (2) have a different volume and the tourniquet equipment (1) comprises an inflating device (3) for inflating the connected compression cuff (2). according to the invention for the purpose of providing tourniquet equipment which enables the most efficient tourniquet handle and, in particular, rapid inflating of the tourniquet and, at the same time, operation of the exempt tourniquet equipment In accordance with the invention, each compression cuff (2) is assigned a set of parameters for controlling a procedure for inflating the respective tourniquet cuff and recorded in a data memory of the control device, in which The set of parameters assigned to each tourniquet cuff (2) depends on the volume of the compression cuff (2). further, the invention relates to a method for controlling tourniquet equipment as well as a control system for controlling tourniquet equipment comprising an inflating device (3) and a control device (4) which It features a tourniquet equipment (1) and a compression handle (2) that can be attached to the inflating equipment and applied to a limb.resumo patente de invenção: "dispositivo de controle e sistema de controle para um equipamento de torniquete". a presente invenção refere-se a um dispositivo de controle (4) para um equipamento de torniquete (1), ao qual pode ser conectado a um primeiro punho de compressão (2) e/ou, pelo menos, um segundo punho de compressão, no qual os punhos de compressão (2) que podem ser conectados apresentam um volume diferenciado e o equipamento de torniquete (1) abrange um dispositivo de insuflar (3) para insuflar o punho de compressão (2) conectado. de acordo com a invenção, com a finalidade de apres