A pharmaceutical composition comprising a Dobeshireto and levocarnitine. To adjust the level of urea nitrogen, and for example, nephritis primary, the secondary, renal disease, renal failure, nephritic syndrome, including renal failure, uremia further but are not limited to serum creatinine and / or, impact-related diseases in renal function, as well as the complications induced by the failure and affect-related diseases / or renal function, for example, I want to treatment and / or prevention of diseases and disorders and / or cardiovascular disease, such as diabetes for the use of the pharmaceutical composition. None [Selection Figure]レボカルニチン及びドベシレートを含む医薬組成物。血清クレアチニン及び/又は尿素窒素のレベルを調節するための、並びに例えば、原発性、続発性の腎炎、腎病変、腎機能不全、腎炎症候群、さらに腎不全、尿毒症を含むがこれらに限定されない、腎機能に影響を及ぼす関連疾患、並びに腎機能に影響を及ぼす関連疾患及び/若しくは障害によって誘発される合併症、例えば、心血管疾患、糖尿病等の疾患及び/若しくは障害を治療並びに/又は予防するための、前記医薬組成物の使用。【選択図】なし