1. A device for massaging the skin, comprising: a radio frequency generator configured to generate radio frequency alternating current for heating adipose tissue in the fat layer of the skin; an electric pulse generator configured to generate direct current pulses to provide electrical stimulation of the muscles under the fat layer; an applicator comprising one or more heads intended to be brought into contact with a patient's skin; wherein said heads serve as massage contacts for m ssirovaniya outer layer of the patient's skin over the fat layer or as electrodes for supplying an alternating current and direct current, or as an addition and drugogo.2. The device according to claim 1, where the electrodes are configured to alternately apply alternating and direct current. The device according to claim 1, where the electrodes are configured to simultaneously apply alternating current and direct current. The device according to claim 1, where the massage contacts are configured to exert a vibrational effect on the outer layer of the skin. The device according to claim 1, where the massage contacts are configured to apply negative pressure to the skin. The device according to claim 1, where the alternating current and direct current are activated when the device is brought into contact with the skin of the patient. The device according to claim 1, where the alternating current and direct current are activated when the switch is turned on. The device according to claim 1, where the electrodes in the applicator of the device are both poles with the formation of a closed circuit. The device according to claim 1, where the electrodes in the applicator of the device are one pole, and the electrode external to1. Устройство для массирования кожи, содержащее:радиочастотный генератор, выполненный с возможностью генерирования радиочастотного переменного тока, для нагревания жировой ткани в жировом слое кожи;генератор электрических импульсов, выполненный с возможностью генерирован