The present invention relates to an internal nose-dilating device (1 ), comprisingtwo conical inserts (2), which each have four walls (10, 11, 12, 13) and two openings:a small opening (3), which during use is oriented inwards towards the nasal cavity,and a large opening (4), which is oriented out from the nose, the inserts (2) beingconnected by means of a connecting member (9), which during use is the only partthat remains on the outside of the nose. The four walls (10, 11, 12, 13) of the inserts(2) are convex at their central portions and provided with a substantially horizontalrecess (5), the recess (5) being arranged along the four walls (10, 11, 12, 13)of the inserts (2) and extending at least partly along the circumference on theoutside thereof to form a bulge in the four walls (10, 11, 12, 13) of the inserts.The inserts have at least four apertures (7) and a reinforced portion (8), whichis provided along a rounded edge of the small opening (3), thereby allowing theinserts (2) to be turned inside out.