improvements in crushing equipment and stump / stump cutter with excavation level regulating means. it is a stump crusher equipment (10) of the type used for the removal and crushing of stumps and strains of different trees in order to allow the grinding and, consequently, the conversion of the area's culture for planting corn or soybeans ; said equipment (10) is comprised of a chassis (11) where the axis (21) of the rotor (20) is mounted transversely, as well as said chassis (11) provides for coupling end (11a) for mounting on a traction vehicle (vt); said chassis (11) receives on both side walls (11b) planks (12) comprised by arched base (12a) that slides close to the ground (s1) and from where the orthogonal wall (12b) develops, provided with central cutouts (12c), in addition to providing bracing walls (12d); each plank (12) is articulated on the respective side wall (11b) in point (p1) and fixed by means of level regulator (mr) which, in turn, is comprised of a set of holes (13) practiced in the orthogonal walls (12b) of each board (12) that when aligned with holes (11c) practiced in the side walls (11b) of the chassis (11) receive screws (14) and make up the height adjustment (t) of the boards (12) in relation to to the ground (s1) and, consequently, exposure grading of the crushing nozzles (22) of the rotor (20); mentioned nozzles (22) are interchangeable and installed in cradles (23a) provided in projections (23) that develop on the rotor cylindrical base (20) and fixed by means of screws (14a).aperfeiçoamentos em equipamento triturador e destocador de toco/cepa com meio regulador de nível de escavação. trata-se de um equipamento triturador de toco (10) do tipo utilizado para o destocamento e trituração de tocos e cepas de árvores diversas a fim de, permitir a trituração e, consequentemente, a conversão de cultura da área para plantio de milho ou soja; dito equipamento (10) é compreendido por um chassi (11) onde é montado transversalmente o eixo (21) do roto