This utility model relates to a mobile oven made of quality heat-insulating refractory materials that can be easily moved or transferred to any desired area or establishment where its utilization is most needed or desired. The mobile oven generally comprises a hollow rectangular body, a tabletop being superimposed on the rectangular body, a dome-shaped heat chamber superimposed at the rear portion of the tabletop , an access tunnel being provided at an access hole at the dome-shaped heat chamber, a heat exhausting tube perpendicularly protruding at the top portion of the access tunnel, and rotatable wheels, each being provided for every corner at the bottom side of the rectangular body. The rectangular body has a fireplace being accommodated at its rear portion and access door being provided proximate to the fireplace. Furthermore, said rectangular body has a heat duct branching to heat outlet holes at the internal opposing sides of the tabletop being accommodated by the dome-shaped heat chamber.