The invention relates to the composition of dipogen which includes a turmeric, a sindoor, a maraddarshringa, a jatyadi thailam, an oil in water missiable cream Q.S. to 100% and a ficus glomerata The turmeric has antifungal and antibacterial properties. The maraddshringa is a mineral extracted from the oxide of the tin. The sindoor is known to have the property to treat ringworms and ulcerations and treatment for burns and the wound healing. The jatyadi thailam have the antimicrobial activity useful in various skin affilictions, the jatyadi thailam is used externally for itching, boil, fistula, wounds, burn ulcer, injury, the jatyadi thailam plays prominent role in burns, scalds with great benefit. The ficus glomerata have the ability of urn and the wound healing activity of ficus glomerata is one of the main constituent. The crude extract of udumbaraa (ficus glomerata) is more effective to inhibit the colonization of e.coli.