A compositions of mixed plant oil by using supercritical carbon dioxide extraction is disclosed, it is to extract raw materials that contains 8 to 10% of the medlar, 9 to 10 percent of perilla, 9 to 10% of flaxseed, 36 to 40% of wheat germ, 9% to 10% of almonds and 18 to 20% of the buckthorn seed at a temperature of 33 ~ 60 DEG C and under pressure of 20 ~ 60Mpa. As such, by using supercritical carbon dioxide extraction technology, and extracting seeds of different plants mixed at certain ratios under a certain range of temperature and pressure, it can not only effectively extract compositions of multiple components, but also have the maximum effect of mutual enhancement of each functional component in the formula.一種超臨界二氧化碳萃取植物混合油之組成物,其係將含有8~10%之枸杞子、9~10%之蘇子、9~10%之亞麻籽、36~40%之小麥胚芽、9~10%之杏仁及18~20%之沙棘籽之原料,以超臨界二氧化碳,於33~60℃之溫度及20~60Mpa之壓力下萃取而成,藉此,利用超臨界二氧化碳萃取技術,將不同的植物種子按一定比例混合,在一定的溫度和壓力範圍內進行萃取,不僅可有效的萃取多種組成成分的效果,還可以達到配方中各項物料功效成分,互相促進的最大效果。