The present invention discloses a compound essence oil for lightening areola, including benzoin essential oil, myrrh essential oil, rosemary essential oil, lubricant and grape seed oil, and the volume part of each component is as follows: 1-90 parts of benzoin oil, 10-95 parts of myrrh essential oil, 1-90 parts of rosemary essential oil, 5-95 parts of grape seed oil. Advantages of the present invention lie in that: the compound essence oil for lightening areola prepared through a reasonable proportion of this invention is able to use the efficacy of respective components and their synergy effect to physically lighten the color of areola and perform firming treatment on skins, thus enabling the areola to exhibit a delicate pink color in the meantimes, through the spiritual efficacy of individual component, users emotion may be soothed, namely this invention affects users both in psychological and physical way and therefore achieving the best result.本發明公開一種淡化乳暈的複方精油,包括安息香精油、沒藥精油、迷迭香精油及潤滑油葡萄籽油,且各組分的體積份數為:安息香精油1-90份,沒藥精油10-95份,迷迭香精油1-90份,葡萄籽油5-95份。本發明的優點在於:通過本發明的合理配比所製得的淡化乳暈的複方精油,在利用各成分各自的功效和協同作用,從生理上對乳暈進行淡化色素和緊致皮膚的處理,能夠使其呈現出嬌嫩的粉紅色;同時,利用各成分的精神功效,可舒緩使用者的情緒,從心理和身理上同時作用,可以達到最優的效果。