The invention relates to an apparatus intended to measure and testing subjects anticipation and reaction capacity. According to the invention, the apparatus comprises a support (1) in which a telescopic post (2) is mounted, the post having at its top a supporting frame (3) to which several balls (6) are attached, each of them being provided at its upper part with a metallic tape (5) which is attracted and kept in its position by an electromagnet (4), at the bottom the post (2) being provided with a sliding arm (15) on which there is a leg with a pivot (10) having the role to support a platform (9) on which there are some slopes (7) determining the rebound of the balls (6) released from the supporting frame (3), the release being controlled by a computing system (13), by means of some electric cables (8) coupled to the electromagnets (4). As the ball (6) is in free fall, the subject to be tested is supposed to anticipate the rebound direction before the ball contact with one of the slopes (7), by pressing on a contact plate (16) corresponding to one ball rebound direction, where the plate (16) includes a radio transmitter and remotely communicates with the computing system (13), the subjects reaction time being measured with a chronometer.Invenţia se referă la un aparat destinat măsurării şi testării capacităţii de anticipare şi reacţie a subiecţilor. Aparatul conform invenţiei cuprinde un suport (1) în care este montat un stâlp (2) telescopic, având fixat, în partea superioară, un cadru (3) de susţinere de care sunt prinse mai multe mingi (6), fiecare fiind prevăzută, la partea superioară, cu o bandă (5) metalică ce este atrasă şi ţinută pe poziţie de un electromagnet (4), la partea inferioară stâlpul (2) fiind prevăzut cu un braţ (15) culisant, pe care este dispus un picior cu pivot (10), ce are rolul de a susţine o platformă (9) pe care se află nişte planuri (7) înclinate, ce determină ricoşarea mingilor (6) eliberate de pe cadrul (3) de susţinere, eliberarea fiin