1. A system for processing greenhouse gases, comprising: a collection subsystem configured to collect a gas mixture containing carbon dioxide and methane; a combustion subsystem configured to burn said methane in said gas mixture and to discharge a gaseous combustion product stream, said combustion subsystem produces electrical energy, water, and additional amounts of said carbon dioxide; and a separation subsystem configured to separate said carbon dioxide from said gaseous stream of combustion products. 2. The system of claim 1, further comprising a landfill, wherein said gas mixture is landfill gas. The system according to claim 1, wherein said gas mixture contains from 45 to 55%, by weight, of said carbon dioxide and from 55 to 45%, by weight of said methane. The system of claim 1, wherein said combustion subsystem comprises at least one internal combustion engine and a turbine. The system of claim 1, wherein said separation subsystem separates said water from said gaseous stream of combustion products. The system of claim 1, wherein said separation subsystem comprises adsorbent material. The system of claim 6, wherein said adsorbent material comprises zeolite. The system of claim 6, wherein said separation subsystem comprises a heat exchanger, and wherein said heat exchanger lowers the temperature of said gaseous stream of combustion products until said gaseous stream of combustion products comes into contact with said absorbent material. The system of claim 6, wherein1. Система для переработки парниковых газов, содержащая:подсистему сбора, сконфигурированную для сбора газовой смеси, содержащей диоксид углерода и метан;подсистему сжигания, сконфигурированную для сжигания указанного метана в указанной газовой смеси и выпуска газообразного потока прод)астов сгорания, причем указанная подсистема сжигания вырабатывает электрическую энергию, воду и дополнительные количества указанного диоксида углерода; иподсистему отделения, сконфигурированную для отделения указанн