ABSTRACTlt is podnibde 70 feed an injection objective substanceto j delft* of a skin stfucture of an ctfjective living body wifnong unilig any injegtion feedle. A syringe having no injection ceedie comorfses an ignition device which includes an ignitioh charge containing a. fuel compceni and an oxidizing agent component, a, combustion chamber into which a combustion. product pxoduced by a reaction of the fuel component and. the oxidilzlng agent component during combustion of the ignition charge is allowed to flow and which accommodates a gas generatind agent :hat is combustible by the combustion product to generate a °redetermined gas, and an enclosPng unit which encloses the injection objective substance, wherein the injectlon cbectivie substance enclosed in. the. enclosing unit is pressurized by a pressure in the combustion chamber in this construction. The fuel component and the oxidizing. agent component contained ln the ignition charge are determined so that any component, which behaves as a gas, is excluded from the combstion product when the combustion product is at ordinary temperature if the case where the fuel component and the oxtdifing agent component are mixed at a steichiometrio ratio and. combusted, and a cooling member is arranged in the combustion chamber. so that the cooling member can be brought in contact with the combustion product produced by the combustion of the igniiior LTharge io cosi the (sirlyisiion product.