1. An apparatus, comprising: a position-sensitive detector 122 configured to output a sequence of position-sensitive signal, each position-sensitive signal indicates the deviation of the centroid wavefront sampling from a reference point on the detector, wherein the sample is a sample of the wavefront of the wavefront in part the shape of the incident wavefront annular circumferential returned from the subjects eye isistemu 710, 750, processing associated with the position sensitive detector to prini amb sequence position-sensitive signal, wherein the processing system is configured to calculate a sequence of coordinate deviations indicating deviation of each centroid, calculate the center point of the sequence of coordinates of the centroid deflection associate sequence coordinate deviation ellipse centered at the center point, wherein the sequence of coordinate deviations centroid adapted to ellipse expressed in Cartesian coordinates U, V, and the ellipse has a greater Referring amplitude = a and a minor axis amplitude = b, with the ellipse center located at U = 0, V = 0, and each deviation of the centroid having coordinates U (t) = a • cos (t), V (t) = b • sin (t), where t = time-dependent phase of receiving a set of sequentially received coordinates of the centroid deviations, and wherein the ellipse is a circle, if the amplitude of the major and minor axes are equal, determine astigmatism axis on the basis of the angular orientation of the major and minor axes and determine the relative divergence and convergence value based on the relative values of a and b.2. The apparatus of claim. 1, wherein the processing system is further1. Устройство, содержащее:позиционно-чувствительный детектор 122, сконфигурированный для вывода последовательности позиционно-чувствительных сигналов, при этом каждый позиционно-чувствительный сигнал указывает отклонение центроида выборки волнового фронта от опорной точки на детекторе, причем выборкой волнового фронта является выборка ч