The purpose of the present invention is to precisely align corresponding measurement points of multiple objects to be measured, and to assess the objects to be measured from the results of measurement at both measurement points.A measurement system (100) is provided with a measurement device (10) and a PC (20), and the measurement device (10) is provided with a spectroscopic unit (12) that measures a measurement point of an object to be measured and a camera (16) for imaging the surrounding of the measurement point in real time. The PC (20) displays, on a display screen of a display unit (22), an assessment image of sequence image information of an assessment medium which is imaged and displayed by the camera (16) of the measurement device (10), so as to be superimposed over a reference image of still image information of a reference medium which has been imaged by the camera (16) and stored in a memory (24). By performing comparison between the measurement data obtained by measuring the measurement point in the assessment image when the both images overlap each other almost completely and the measurement data of the measurement point in the reference image stored in the memory (24), it is possible to carry out alignment easily and perform comparison of the measurement data.La présente invention concerne lalignement précis de points de mesure correspondants de multiples objets à mesurer et lévaluation des objets à mesurer à partir des résultats de mesure aux deux points de mesure. Pour ce faire, linvention propose un système de mesure (100) comprenant un dispositif de mesure (10) et un ordinateur (20). Le dispositif de mesure (10) comprend une unité spectroscopique (12) qui mesure un point de mesure dun objet à mesurer et une caméra (16) servant à former des images de lenvironnement du point de mesure en temps réel. Lordinateur (20) affiche, sur un écran daffichage dune unité daffichage (22), une image dévaluation dinformations dimage de séquence dun milieu dévaluat