The invention provides a fragrance delivery system comprising: a control unitfor controlling a release mechanism to release at least one selected fragrance,said control unit comprising a selection unit for selecting said selected fragrancefrom at least two fragrances and controlling said release mechanism to releasesaid selected fragrance, and a switching element for switching said releasemechanism between an first state and an second state or vice versa, in which firststate said release mechanism releases said selected fragrance at a higher ratethan in said second state. The invention further provides a kit of parts comprisingsaid device and a at least two fragrance reservoirs filled with a fragrance chemical.In addition, the invention relates to the use of a control unit for controllinga release mechanism to release a selected one of at least two fragrances in a fragrancedelivery system, which control unit comprises a selection unit for selectingsaid selected fragrance and controlling said release mechanism to release saidselected fragrance, and a switching element for switching said release mechanismbetween an active state and an inactive state or vice versa, and to the use of thepresent fragrance delivery system to deliver a fragrance to a space which is atleast periodically occupied by an individual.