In preparing dentures, hardened mould material surrounds the denture. Thismouldmaterial is adhered inside a denture flask with a housing having two separablymatableportions. To remove the hardened mould material from the flask, the flask ismountedin a mould press having a shaft, with one of the portions is restrainedagainst movementalong an axis of travel of the shaft. A portion of the mould material at anend of therestrained flask portion is available for contact with the shaft along theaxis of travel. Acapped end of the shaft is forcefully advanced against the adhered mouldmaterialtherein, thereby breaking the adhesion. After this is done, the denture flaskisdismounted from the mould press and the hardened mould material is removedfrom thefirst flask portion. If necessary, the process is repeated with the otherhousing portion.