Лазарева Ольга Вячеславовна (RU),Бимбас Евгения Сергеевна (RU)
Use: utility model relates to medicine, particularly to orthodontic stomatology and may be used to retain a stable result after orthodontic treatment vertical malocclusions in adult patients with deep incisal occlusion and deep incisal dizokklyuzii which are combined term - deep incisive overlap. Summary of the utility model: the device comprises a non-removable retainers 1, 2 to the lower upper dentition bite block and non-removable pad 3 palatal surface of incisors 1.1. and 2.1. Retainer 1 is fixed for a duration of 4.4. to 3.4. teeth. The length of the upper retainer tooth number depends on the initial position of abnormalities and a method of treatment of teeth. If there is, initially, the position of the vestibular canines and treating deep incisal overlap without extraction 1.4. and 2.4. fixed retainer from 1.3. to 2.3 of the tooth. In the case of tooth extractions 1.4. and 2.4. fixed retainer 1.5. 2.5 teeth. In the absence of the position of the vestibular canines and in the treatment of deep incisal overlap without extraction 1.4. and 2.4. We establish retainer from 1.2. 2.2 to tooth. Bite block pad 3 made of composite material and mimic expressed incisal hillocks. The achieved technical result consists in increasing the efficiency of retention by allowing the simultaneous control of the position and occlusion of the teeth in the vertical plane through a nonremovable retention, increased physiological. 1 bp f-ly 4 ZP f-ly 8 Fig.Область использования: полезная модель относится к области медицины, в частности, к ортодонтической стоматологии, и может быть использована для удержания стабильного результата после проведенного ортодонтического лечения вертикальной аномалии прикуса у взрослых пациентов при глубокой резцовой окклюзии и глубокой резцовой дизокклюзии, которые объединены термином - глубокое резцовое перекрытие. Сущность полезной модели: устройство содержит несъемные ретейнеры 1, 2 на нижний верхний зубные ряды и несъемные накусочные площадки 3 на небной