The invention relates to a plough for the 45 HP tractor with a coupling device adjustable on three directions, meant for ploughing carried out in any type of soil having a specific resistance of up to 90 N/cm, at adjustable working depths of up to 24 cm. According to the invention, the plough consists of a framework (1) on which some plough bodies (2 and 3) can be mounted together with some supports (4) fixed by means of some swinging bolts (5) and some shearing screws (6), a disc coulter (7) and a resting wheel (X), where the framework (1) consists of a traction bar (a) of square cross-section which is designed so that it can move by translation, in order to adjust a width (c) at a desired value along an axis (d-d) and fix it with a screw (e) for ensuring a normal working width of the first plough body (2), depending on the tractor wheel track while having the possibility of rotation in the horizontal plane to enlarge or narrow an angle ( &alpha ) and of locking, by means of two adjusting screws (f and g), as to adjust the total working width, while, in the vertical plane it can be positioned at a preset distance (h) from the coupling point to the central tie rod located at a desired distance (i).Invenţia se referă la un plug pentru tractorul de 45 CP, cu dispozitiv de cuplare reglabil pe trei direcţii, destinat efecutării arăturilor pe toate tipurile de sol, cu rezistenţă specifică de până la 90 N/cmla adâncimi de lucru reglabile de până la 24 cm. Plugul conform invenţiei este alcătuit dintr-un cadru (1) pe care se pot monta nişte trupiţe (2 şi 3) împreună cu nişte suporturi (4) fixate prin intermediul unor bolţuri (5) de rabatare şi prin cel al unor şuruburi (6) de forfecare, un cuţit (7) disc şi o roată (X) de sprijin, cadrul (1) fiind format dintr-o bară (a) de tracţiune cu secţiunea pătrată, care este astfel concepută încât să se poată deplasa prin translaţie, pentru a realiza reglarea unei lăţimi (c) la o valoare dorită de-a lungul unei axe (d-d), şi pent