The invention relates to medicine, in particular to surgical hepatology and can be used for surgical correction of ascitic syndrome in patients with decompensated liver cirrhosis.Summary of the invention consists in that under local anesthesia with 1% solution of Lidocaine is performed an incision of 4…5 cm parallel to the left clavicle, are dissected in layers the soft tissues and cervical fascia between the legs of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, is mobilized the internal jugular vein with the left venous angle, is determined the localization of the main trunk of the thoracic lymphatic duct and the lymphatic venous fusion, then is widely mobilized the lymphatic duct along the entire cervical segment from the fusion to the posterior mediastinum by excision of adhesions and the prescalenic lymph nodes package, are mobilized the efferent lymphatic branches, which are ligated, then after the restoration of lymphatic circulation through the lymphatic thoracic duct, with the same ligatures are fixed to the adjacent cervical fascia with the duct suspension in the created space in a stable optimal functional position, is performed the necessary hemo- and lymphostasis, are sutured the layers placed above the sternocleidomastoid muscle of the postoperative wound and is applied an aseptic dressing.Invenţia se referă la medicină, în special la hepatologia chirurgicală şi poate fi utilizată pentru corecţia chirurgicală a sindromului ascitic la pacienţii cu ciroză hepatică decompensată.Esenţa invenţiei constă în aceea că sub anestezie locală cu sol. Lidocaină de 1% se efectuează o incizie de 4…5 cm paralelă claviculei stângi, se secţionează pe straturi ţesuturile moi şi fasciile cervicale între picioruşele muşchiului sterno-cleido-mastoidean, se mobilizează vena jugulară internă cu unghiul venos stâng, se determină localizarea trunchiului principal al ductului toracic limfatic şi confluenţa limfo-venoasă, apoi se mobilizează extins ductul limfatic pe tot traiectul segmentului c