Occlusal retention plate with extra oral utility model patent understood by bite plate (6) consisting of the inner layer (2),It shapes the dental arch and outer layer (1) receiving contact of the lower teeth, shaft intermediate (5).It adapts to the lips at rest and joins the retention lock outside the mouth (3).The retention lock outside the mouth (3), has a horizontal layout in the same plane of the teeth and a length exceeding the measure from corner to corner of the mouth, making it impossible for the plate to be swallowed.A wire reinforcement (4) metallic 1.5 mm diameter, confers resistance to fracture the occlusal plate and is internalized in the entire length of the structure.On each side of the plate and connecting rod, extra bite mouth (3) through the intermediate shaft (5).The bite plate makes it possible to adapt individual arches of patients through their inner layer (2),Consisting of silicone thermoplastic moldable and protection of tooth surfaces through the outer layer (1),That is, at the same time, resistant to contact dental and gentle to the gingival tissues, cheeks and lips due to its composition in E.V.A. (ethyl vinyl acetate).The retention lock (3) allows its indication to special patients.So far not covered with the possibility of preventive use of occlusal plates due to the risk of swallowing or aspirationplaca oclusal com retenção extra-oral patente de modelo de utilidade compreendido por placa de mordida (6) constituída de camada interna (2), que se molda a arcada dentária e camada externa (1) que recebe contato dos dentes inferiores, haste intermediaria (5), que se adapta aos lábios em repouso e se une a haste de retenção extra-bucal (3). a haste de retenção extra-bucal (3), tem disposição horizontal, no mesmo plano dos dentes e comprimento superior a medida de canto a canto da boca, impossibilitando que a placa possa ser deglutida. um fio de reforço (4) metálico de 1,5 mm de diâmetro, confere resistência a fratura à placa oclusal e está int